Leadership Series: Introduction

Posted on Mar 26, 2016 in Entrepreneur, Inspiration, Setting up a Small Business, Small Business, Success, Tips for Entrepreneurs | Comments Off on Leadership Series: Introduction

Leadership Series: Introduction


Darren Hardy, former publisher of SUCCESS Magazine, entrepreneur and motivational speaker once posed a powerful question that goes something like this, “What is the one skill that would dramatically change the quality of your life?” It might be communication, empathy, diligence, financial acumen, or perhaps a technical skill like programming or product engineering.

But what if we told you that there is one skill that is the sum of all other skills–the culmination of them all? Well, there is. And it’s LEADERSHIP.

Leadership entails being a great communicator, being empathetic, motivational, determined, values based, visionary, and all. But what about the financial acumen or tech skills? Where is that in all this? Well, this is the key and perhaps one of the most important parts about this subject. If you are a great leader, you will be able to attract great talent and build great teams. You can find someone that is an amazing coder, or someone that knows how to develop your dream widget, and they will be willing to work with you because they know you will not lead them astray. And leadership goes beyond just the workplace, its essential in marriage, family, friendships, volunteerism and every day life.

For this reason, we’re bringing you the LEADERSHIP SERIES. Over the next nine-months, our small business and entrepreneurship articles are going to be based directly on subjects pertaining to leadership. Topics such as: Vision, communication, relationship building, emotional intelligence, teamwork, strategy, innovation, values and more.

John Quincy Adams once said:

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”

We hope you’ll look forward to our Leadership Series and that through these next nine-months, you’ll be able to ponder and apply the principles and strategies that will be discussed to greatly improve the quality of your life.