Taxpayer Advocate’s Annual Report to Congress

Posted on Jan 20, 2015 in Taxes | Comments Off on Taxpayer Advocate’s Annual Report to Congress

Taxpayer Advocate’s Annual Report to Congress

The National Taxpayer Advocate, Nina E. Olson, recently released her annual report to Congress. This report creates a dialogue within the IRS and the highest levels of government to address taxpayers’ problems, protect taxpayers’ rights, and ease taxpayers’ burden. The report lists the most serious problems encountered by taxpayers, gives legislative recommendations and reports on the most top 10 most litigated issues in federal courts.


Olson emphasizes four key points in the preface to the report.

  • “First, the budget environment of the last five years has brought about a devastating erosion of taxpayer service, harming taxpayers individually and collectively;
  • “Second, the lack of effective administrative and congressional oversight, in conjunction with the failure to pass taxpayer rights legislation, has eroded taxpayer protections enacted 16 or more years ago;
  • “Third, the combined effect of these trends is reshaping U.S. tax administration in ways that are not positive for future tax compliance or for public trust in the fairness of the tax system; and
  • “Fourth, this downward slide can be addressed if Congress makes an investment in the IRS and holds it accountable for how it applies that investment.”

This year’s report identified the following as the most serious problems encountered by taxpayers:

  • Taxpayer Service is Poor and Getting Worse
    • The declining quality of service is alarming. In the coming year the IRS is unlikely to answer even half of the telephone calls it receives!

This is why you need an experienced tax attorney like Gary Quackenbush on your side! If you have tax problems, he knows how to be sure to get his calls answered and your problems under control.

  • Lack of Service in Local IRS Offices
    • There are not enough IRS employees in local communities who understand local economies. This may hurt taxpayers as it makes it harder for them to comply with their federal tax obligations.

The Recommendation to Congress is that they codify the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. The IRS has adopted a Taxpayer Bill of Rights but it is not yet officially codified by Congress. The report also recommends that Congress enact comprehensive tax reform, as simplification would make things easier for both taxpayers and the IRS.

For more information or to read the full report click the link to the Taxpayer Advocate website. Be sure to also check out their easy to understand graphics with a summary of key points.

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)  is an independent organization within the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights.

We here at Law Offices of Gary Quackenbush are also here to help you with your tax problems. With years of experience working with both the IRS and Taxpayer Advocate Service we know just how to help you with your  tac problems. Call us today to set up your free initial consultation 858-549-8600. We look forward to meeting you!


This information was gathered from the Taxpayer Advocate’s website and is not intended as legal counsel. Please make an appointment for you FREE consultation with our experienced tax law team so we can advise you about your particular tax situation.